Statement from the Georgia Solar on the ITC’s ruling in the Suniva Trade Case

Statement from the Georgia Solar Energy Association Chair Don Moreland on the International Trade Commission’s ruling in the Suniva Trade Case:

   “The thriving solar industry is sure to suffer the loss of as many as 2,000 good, local jobs in Georgia and more than 88,000 nationwide if tariffs are imposed on imported panels as a result of this decision. This will be far more damaging to a growing economic sector of the state’s economy than the jobs lost in Suniva’s bankruptcy. At a time when citizens, elected officials and utilities in Georgia demand more clean energy solutions, this decision will potentially disrupt established supply chains and erase years of progress that has made solar power the cost-effective clean energy solution it is today. We at GA Solar will continue to fight against tariffs this decision may bring. We hope that state leaders, including Sen. Johnny Isakson, Sen. David Perdue and our Georgia congressmen, will join us in urging President Donald Trump not to adopt tariffs that will throttle a growing domestic industry and the jobs it has created.

   “We are grateful to the solar professionals from our state - James Marlow, Russell Seifert, Kenny Hughes, Pete Marte and John Huffington - who traveled to Washington to convey all the relevant facts of the impact of tariffs on the U.S. solar industry to our state’s congressional delegation. We are especially grateful to Georgia PSC Commissioner Lauren “Bubba” McDonald, who provided important testimony to the ITC in this case about the damage tariffs will inflict on the solar industry.”

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